News — Children
8mm America Episode 9: Children In Their Natural Habitat
1950's 8mm 8mm America Antique Children Home Movie Mid Century Play Vintporium
8mm America Episode 9: Children In Their Natural Habitat 8mm American Episode 9: Children In Their Natural Habitat: Vintage 8mm footage of some 1950's little ones playing around. The featured clip was brought to you in part by Music is Public Domain from 8mm American Episode 9: Children In Their Natural Habitat: Vintage 8mm footage of some 1950's little ones playing around. The featured clip was brought to you in part by Music is Public Domain from Wilson, RubyINSTRUMENTATIONvocalsLOCATION(S)Under grandstand of college stadium, A& I College, Kingsville, Kleberg County, TexasTYPE OF RECORDING SITEstadiumGENREplay-party, dance music
8mm America Episode 5: The Baby Boom
1950's 8mm 8mm America America Baby Boomer Boomers Children Family Play Vintage Swing Vintporium
8mm America Episode 5: The Baby Boom. Baby Boomer children and their families at play. The featured clip was brought to you in part by Music is Public Domain from 8mm America Episode 5: The Baby Boom 8mm America Episode 5: The Baby Boom. Baby Boomer children and their families at play. The featured clip was brought to you in part by Music is Public Domain from Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op. 36 Classical music pieces released as part of the Musopen Kickstarter Music project. Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op. 36 Classical music pieces released...